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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab



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Paraphrasing: Harvard

Paraphrasing is when you rewrite ideas and information in your own words. In academic writing, paraphrasing helps to avoid plagiarism.


Plagiarism is the presentation of ideas, words or images without acknowledgment.

Print books

An instructional video showing how to find print books in the library including how to search and read a call number.

Starting my first assignment

Need to plan your first assignment? Resources and tutorials to assist with assignment planning for academic study.

Stay motivated

International students were asked how they managed to stay motivated and on task.

Structuring the literature review

Watch this series of four videos explaining how to structure a literature review.

Student stories

International students were asked "Was referencing a new skill for you?"

Student stories

International students were asked "Were your experiences at RMIT different to your expectations?"

Studying efficiently

Links to active learning resources, video and audio, to understand how to study effectively.

The presentation

Video task to complete a tutorial on giving a presentation. Watch the complete oral presentation and read the transcript which has been annotated for you. Take notice of the various techniques...

Time management

Landing page with information, tutorials, study tips and resources for practical time management

Video content on the Learning Lab

What's a library database?

This short video gives an explanation of library databases and how to use them from a student's perspective.

While you study

Short videos - International students were asked how they developed their English while they were studying.

Writing a business research report

This video explains how to write a business report for post-graduate level students. It covers the introduction, report structure and organisation, writing the report, and business writing.

Writing a literature review

This tutorial covers four of the most important aspects in writing a literature review
