Interactive benchmarking tool

The interactive benchmarking tool is shown below, which should be used in conjunction with the user guide.





Distributed leadership engages a broad range of participants from all relevant functions, disciplines, groups and levels. This includes formal leaders, informal leaders and experts

Formal leaders (academic and professional)

Informal leaders

Discipline experts

Functional experts


Distributed leadership is enabled through a context of trust and a culture of respect coupled with effecting change through collaborative relationships

Context of trust.

Culture of respect

Acceptance of need for change

Collaborative relationships


Distributed leadership is enacted by involvement of people, the design of processes, the provision of support and the implementation of systems

Involvement of people

Design of participative processes

Provision of support

Integration and alignment of systems


Distributed leadership is best evaluated drawing on multiple sources of evidence of increased engagement collaboration and growth in leadership capacity

Increased engagement

Increased collaboration

Growth in leadership capacity


Distributed leadership is emergent and sustained through cycles of action research built on a Participative Action Research methodology

Participative action research process

Reflective practice

Continuous improvement