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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab



Links to Learning Lab pages that have this keyword. Select a page to view or select a related keyword to view other linked pages.

Go to the Keyword index page to see a list of all keywords used in Learning Lab.


Sentence fragments

What is a sentence fragment? A sentence fragment is missing some of its parts. There are three main reasons why a sentence may be incomplete.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a written expression of a complete thought. Some of the features of sentences are included here.

Word list

Sublists 9 & 10 of the Academic Word List.

Word list

Sublists 7 & 8 of the Academic Word List.

Word list

Sublists 5 & 6 of the Academic Word List.

Word list

Sublists 3 & 4 of the Academic Word List.

Word list

Sublists 1 & 2 of the Academic Word List.