Your first priority is to get on task at your first meeting. Use these guidelines to help you achieve this goal.
- Introduce yourselves: talk about the strengths you bring to the group, and your hopes for the work the group does together
- Brainstorm the task: each person in the group articulates their understanding of the goal, come to a general consensus on what is required
- Nominate a group leader: the leader acts for the whole period of the project, or for a certain period of time, e.g. the next three weeks
- Nominate a note-taker: this person is responsible for the agenda and the notes of the meeting
- Nominate a reflector: this person identifies and raises issues affecting the group
- Develop an agenda: include topics to be discussed, and action required, by whom and when
- Define the research tasks: the group decides what the tasks are, and allocates them among the members
- Develop a timeline: include times specific tasks need to be completed
- Decide on a means of communication: Google docs, a wiki, email, instant messaging, phone etc. and exchange names and contact details
- Timetable meetings that fit in with everyone’s schedule: set the dates, times and place; recorded details
- Set out a group charter together: agree on a set of principles and expectations regarding behaviour of each group member.
Sharing ideas
Allocate time at each meeting to:
- report on your work: what you have done, what you have learned, what you still need to do
- address problems and talk about possible solutions (product and process problems) as they emerge
- ensure everyone has a chance to speak without interruption
- make decisions about individual responsibilities for actions; e.g. the development of the group’s points for the report / presentation
- address the issue of members not contributing ideas, if relevant, and stress that all opinions are needed and valued.
The leader is responsible for:
- facilitating (not dominating) discussion in the group
- keeping discussion at meetings on track and to the point
- making a final decision when group cannot resolve issues
- calling on the support of a lecturer or tutor to mediate unresolved conflict
- ensuring that meetings follow the agenda
- assuring that notes from meetings are sent to group members
- maintaining an overview of group processes.
The note-taker is responsible for:
- taking notes of items discussed at meetings, actions decided on, and people responsible for those actions
- writing out the group’s understanding of the assignment task
- making a list of the allocation of tasks and the due date
- keeping a list of contact details of group members
- distributing these notes via agreed communication channels
- sending out agenda before meetings.
The reflector is responsible for:
- identifying and raising issues that are affecting the group
- acknowledging areas of conflict in the group
- maintaining an overview of the groups’ progress
- speaking up about possible problems regarding projected time lines.