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Below is a table of commonly used negligence terms. To print these terms, press "print" on your browser toolbar.

Term Definition
Party Individuals involved in a legal case
Duty of care Legal obligation to be careful in circumstances where harm to another may occur
Tort Civil wrong on a person caused by the actions of another person
Breach Breaking/neglecting a legal obligation
Damages Compensation in money to a party who has been wronged in a civil case
Liable The person who has been found responsible for a civil wrong
Sue To take legal action against another party in a civil dispute
Defences Arguments/reasons put forward in a court by the defendant in a negligence case to reduce or avoid a pay out to the plaintiff
Reasonable person A person of normal intelligence and skill who should act in accordance with community standards
Remoteness The particular damage suffered by a plaintiff must be closely related to the defendant's actions
Causation The plaintiff must show that the damage suffered was a direct result of the defendant's actions
Foresee/foreseeable A reasonable person should realise the danger involved in certain actions
Likelihood Whether or not injury is likely to occur in certain circumstances
Gravity Serious nature of an injury due to the defendant's actions
Compensation Money given to a person by court order for a loss suffered by that person
Obiter (Obiter dictum) A judge's comments in a case that are not directly relevant to the decision and do not form part of the binding precedent.


Match the definition with the common legal terms below by selecting the correct word from the dropdown menu.

Definition Term
Individuals involved in a legal case
The plaintiff must show that the damage suffered was a direct result of the defendant's actions
Legal obligation to be careful in circumstances where harm to another may occur
Civil wrong on a person caused by the actions of another person
Breaking/neglecting a legal obligation
Compensation in money to a party who has been wronged in a civil case
The person who has been found responsible for a civil wrong
To take legal action against another party in a civil dispute