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Academic word list 7 & 8

In these activities, you will learn to use the words in sublists 7 & 8  of the academic word list.

Different activities focus on:

  • word meaning
  • grammatical word form
  • collocation (words that typically pair with the target word)
  • spelling

Most common form Other words in the family
adaptation adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts
adults adult, adulthood
advocate advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating
aid aided, aiding, aids, unaided
channel channelled, channelling, channels
chemical chemically, chemicals
classical classic, classics
comprehensive comprehensively
comprise comprised, comprises, comprising
confirmed confirm, confirmation, confirming, confirms
contrary contrarily
converted convert, conversion, conversions, convertible, converting, converts
couple coupled, coupling, couples
decades decade
definite definitely, definitive, indefinite, indefinitely
deny deniable, denial, denials, denied, denies, denying undeniable
differentiation differentiate, differentiated, differentiates, differentiating
disposal dispose, disposable, disposed, disposes, disposing
dynamic dynamically, dynamics
eliminate eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination
empirical empirically, empiricism
equipment equip, equipped, equipping, equips
extract extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts
file filed, files, filing
finite infinite, infinitely
foundation foundations
global globe, globally, globalisation, globalization
grade graded, grades, grading
guarantee guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees
hierarchical hierarchy, hierarchies
identical identically
ideology ideological, ideologically, ideologies
inferred infer, inference, inferences, inferring, infers
innovation innovate, innovated, innovates, innovating, innovations, innovative, innovator, innovators
insert inserted, inserting, insertion, inserts
intervention intervene, intervened, intervenes, intervening, interventions
isolated isolate, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism
media -
mode modes
paradigm paradigms
phenomenon phenomena, phenomenal
priority priorities, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, prioritises, prioritising
prohibited prohibit, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibits
publication publications
quotation quote, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting
release released, releases, releasing
reverse reversal, reversed, reverses, reversible, reversing, reversals, irreversible
simulation simulate, simulated, simulates, simulating
solely sole
somewhat -
submitted submit, submission, submissions, submits, submitting
successive successor, succession, successions, successively, successors
survive survival, survived, survives, surviving, survivor, survivors
thesis theses
topic topical, topics
transmission transmit, transmissions, transmitted, transmitting, transmits
ultimately ultimate
unique uniquely, uniqueness
visible visibility, visibly, invisible, invisibility
voluntary voluntarily, volunteer, volunteering, volunteered, volunteers

Most common form Other words in the family
abandon abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons
accompanied accompany, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied
accumulation accumulate, accumulated, accumulating, accumulates
ambiguous ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously
appendix append, appended, appends, appending, appendices, appendixes
appreciation appreciate, appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, unappreciated
arbitrary arbitrariness, arbitrarily
automatically automate, automatic, automated, automates, automating, automation
bias biased, biases, biasing, unbiased
chart charted, charting, charts, uncharted
clarity clarify, clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying
commodity commodities
complement complementary, complemented, complementing, complements
conformity conform, conformable, conformability, conformance, conformation, conformed, conforming, conformist, conformists, conforms,

nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity, non-conformist, non-conformists, non- conformity

contemporary contemporaries
contradiction contradict, contradicted, contradicting, contradictions, contradictory, contradicts
crucial crucially
currency currencies
denote denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting
detected detect, detectable, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects
deviation deviate, deviated, deviates, deviating, deviations
displacement displace, displaced, displaces, displacing
dramatic drama, dramas, dramatically, dramatise, dramatised, dramatising, dramatises, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatizing
eventually eventual, eventuality
exhibit exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitions, exhibits
exploitation exploit, exploited, exploiting, exploits
fluctuations fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuation
guidelines guideline
highlighted highlight, highlighting, highlights
imply implied, implying
induced induce, induces, inducing, induction
inevitably inevitable, inevitability
infrastructure infrastructures
inspection inspect, inspected, inspecting, inspections, inspector, inspectors, inspects
intensity intense, intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intension, intensive, intensively
manipulation manipulate, manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulations, manipulative
minimised minimise, minimises, minimising
nuclear -
offset offsets, offsetting
paragraph paragraphing, paragraphs
plus pluses
practitioners practitioner
predominantly predominant, predominance, predominate, predominated, predominates, predominating
prospect prospective, prospects
radical radically, radicals
random randomly, randomness
reinforced reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcements, reinforces, reinforcing
restore restoration, restored, restores, restoring
revision revise, revised, revises, revising, revisions
schedule reschedule, rescheduled, reschedules, rescheduling, scheduled, schedules, scheduling, unscheduled
tension tense, tensely, tenser, tensest, tensions
termination terminate, terminal, terminals, terminated, terminates, terminating, terminations
theme themes, thematic, thematically
thereby -
uniform uniformity, uniformly
vehicle vehicles
via -
virtually virtual
visual visualise, visualised, visualises, visualising, visualisation, visualize, visualized, visualizes, visualizing, visualization, visually
widespread -


Now try the activities which will help you become familiar with the words and expand your vocabulary.


  1. make clear
  2. make stronger
  3. remove or separate out
  4. show
  5. to improve something by adding to it
  6. to leave, give up or stop doing something
  7. reject through logical reasoning
  8. emphasise or point out the importance of an idea
  9. make as small as possible
  10. to make certain or check the facts
  11. go with
  12. let go of something; make something public
  13. to end
  14. to represent or indicate a fact, idea or piece of data
  15. to lessen the effect of one factor by balancing it with an opposite effect from another factor
  16. the money of a country
  17. the structures, building, framework and systems which allow an organisation or society to operate
  18. a printed book, journal or magazine
  19. based on experience and observation rather than theory
  20. structured in order of importance or power
  21. based on traditional ideas; possibly ancient Greek and Roman
  22. the process which makes two things differ, or shows how they are different
  23. a promise, often about the quality of goods
  24. a pretend situation which allows you to observe or practice the likely events of the real situation
  25. popular or common among many people or in many different geographical areas
  26. relating to the small central part of an atom, or to the smallest family unit
  27. exactly the same
  28. extremely important or necessary
  29. completely different from generally accepted political or social ideas
  30. having no pattern or reason
  31. not having a single, clear meaning
  32. the same in size and appearance; consistent
  33. exact and precise; certain
  34. happening without the need for help or action from someone; happening mechanically
  35. being the only one
  36. in a way that can't be avoided or changed
  37. tools, machines, utensils or apparatus for doing a task
  38. a section at the end of a book or report which provides extra information
  39. advice or instructions about how something should be done
  40. current, modern and up-to-date
  41. something that is very important, or that must be done first
  42. complete or wide in scope
  43. having energy or force; moving
  44. having an end or finishing point
  45. one thing that is unlike anything else
  46. put into or between
  47. continue to live or exist
  48. return something that has been lost or damaged back to its original condition
  49. a theory to be proved or defended
  50. a record of the exact words said or written by another person
  51. the sending and receiving of energy or information between two places or two people
  52. a difference from the normal way of doing things or from the normal route
  53. a force caused by stretching or straining
  54. using something, possibly in a negative way, to get money or some other advantage
  55. separated away from everything else
  56. sent an essay, competition entry or funding or job application to the relevant person or organisation
  57. caused something to happen
  58. following in sequence or order
  59. able to be seen
  60. something that is not said openly, but which is suggested and can be understood


  1. clarify
  2. reinforce
  3. extract
  4. exhibit
  5. complement
  6. abandon
  7. eliminate
  8. highlight
  9. minimise
  10. confirm
  11. accompany
  12. release
  13. terminate
  14. denote
  15. offset
  16. currency
  17. infrastructure
  18. publication
  19. empirical
  20. hierarchical
  21. classical
  22. differentiation
  23. guarantee
  24. simulation
  25. widespread
  26. nuclear
  27. identical
  28. crucial
  29. radical
  30. random
  31. ambiguous
  32. uniform
  33. definite
  34. automatically
  35. solely
  36. inevitably
  37. equipment
  38. appendix
  39. guidelines
  40. contemporary
  41. priority
  42. comprehensive
  43. dynamic
  44. finite
  45. unique
  46. insert
  47. survive
  48. restore
  49. thesis
  50. quotation
  51. transmission
  52. deviation
  53. tension
  54. exploitation
  55. isolated
  56. submitted
  57. induced
  58. successive
  59. visible
  60. implicit

Identify the correct word forms. Choose the correct noun, verb or adjective from the options inside the square brackets.

Word 1

  • Noun: innovation
  • Verb: [innovate, innovator, innovative]
  • Adjective: [innovate, innovator, innovative]


  • Noun: innovation
  • Verb: [innovate]
  • Adjective: [innovative]

Word 2

  • Noun: conversion
  • Verb: [convertible, convert, conversions]
  • Adjective: [converting, convert, converted]


  • Noun: conversion
  • Verb: [convert]
  • Adjective: [converted]

Word 3

  • Noun: [prohibited, prohibitive, prohibition]
  • Verb: prohibit
  • Adjective: [prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition]


  • Noun: [prohibition]
  • Verb: prohibit
  • Adjective: [prohibited]

Word 4

  • Noun: [disposal, disposed, disposable]
  • Verb: dispose
  • Adjective: [disposal, disposes, disposable]


  • Noun: [disposal]
  • Verb: dispose
  • Adjective: [disposable]

Word 5

  • Noun: [inferred, inference, infers]
  • Verb: infer
  • Adjective: [inferred, inference, infers]


  • Noun: [inference]
  • Verb: infer
  • Adjective: [inferred]

Word 6

  • Noun: [denied, denial, deniable]
  • Verb: deny
  • Adjective: [deniable, denying, denial]


  • Noun: [denial]
  • Verb: deny
  • Adjective: [deniable]

Word 7

  • Noun: visualisation
  • Verb: [visual, visually, visualise]
  • Adjective: [visual, visually, visualise]


  • Noun: visualisation
  • Verb: [visualise]
  • Adjective: [visual]

Word 8

  • Noun: [intervenes, intervention, intervening]
  • Verb: intervene
  • Adjective: [intervenes, intervention, intervening]


  • Noun: [intervention]
  • Verb: intervene
  • Adjective: [intervening]

Word 9

  • Noun: [reversible, reversal, reversed]
  • Verb: reverse
  • Adjective: [reverses, reversal, reversible]


  • Noun: [reversal]
  • Verb: reverse
  • Adjective: [reversible]

Word 10

  • Noun: [adaption, adaptive, adapted]
  • Verb: [adapt, adaptive, adaptability]
  • Adjective: adaptable


  • Noun: [adaption]
  • Verb: [adapt]
  • Adjective: adaptable

Choose the best word in each sentence from the options inside the square brackets.

1. The results of the survey were [contrarily, somewhat] surprising, with more men than women reporting that they regularly shop on the Internet.

Answer: somewhat

2. The central office space has been designed to be flexible, [plus, thereby] eliminating the need for costly additional refurbishments.

Answer: thereby

3. In terms of reducing pollution, the most obvious benefit of this particular material is that if it is exposed to the air, it will [eventually, crucially] decompose.

Answer: eventually

4. This course will provide a [chart, foundation] in the theories and principles of systems, particularly in their application to complex problems.

Answer: foundation

5. This raises an interesting question – could the air that we breathe one day become a [topic, commodity] to be traded, like oil, on the world’s markets?

Answer: commodity

6. The [ideology, prospect] of being able to vaccinate against various forms of cancer has caused great excitement in the medical community.

Answer: prospect

7. Although this practice is [virtually, ultimately] unheard of in the West, it is common among many societies in Africa and the Middle East.

Answer: virtually

8. At times the rulings have appeared quite [graded, arbitrary], with judges frequently delivering different sentences for identical crimes.

Answer: arbitrary

9. Blogging is a relatively recent [paradigm, phenomenon], but one that has the potential to revolutionise the publishing industry.

Answer: phenomenon

10.Some activists argue that the donation of foreign [aid, mode] to countries with oppressive governments actually does more harm than good.

Answer: aid

Guess the word that matches the list of synonyms. The number of letters is given as a clue.

1. Synonyms: contention, argument, proposal

Hint: 6 letters

Answer: thesis

2. Synonyms: deduce, reason, conclude

Hint: 8 letters

Answer: inferred

3. Synonyms: contradict, oppose, contest

Hint: 4 letters

Answer: deny

Choose the best word in each sentence from the options inside the square brackets.

1. The recent [dramatic, definite] economic decline of several countries in the European Union has sparked debate about the future of the Euro.

Answer: dramatic

2. By studying clothing and tools found at archaeological sites, researchers have [converted, inferred] much about the lifestyle of humans many centuries ago.

Answer: inferred

3. The most interesting results came from questions 15-19, (see [appendix, channel] 3 for the complete questionnaire).

Answer: appendix

4. A new street level drainage system has been designed, [minimised, minimising, minimise] the potential for flooding during the annual monsoonal rains.

Answer: minimising

5. During the [simulate, simulation, simulator] , nursing students experienced a typical night in a hospital emergency ward, with actors playing the patients.

Answer: simulation

6. The campaign to [prohibit, prohibited, prohibitive] smoking in public places has so far not gained much support in many countries in Asia.

Answer: prohibitive

7. Although the [identical, empirical] research did not pinpoint any one pattern of behaviour in the adolescent male group, it did reveal some interesting data.

Answer: empirical

8. The [foundation, infrastructure] of all good academic writing is planning; without this, the writer’s ideas and arguments will not be expressed clearly.

Answer: foundation

9. One cannot [deniable, deny, denial] the remarkable influence of Brown on the theories of the last fifty years, though many researchers now dismiss her approach.

Answer: deny

10. Working within a [widespread, hierarchical] organisation can pose challenges for those not used to clearly marked lines of reporting and communication.

Answer: hierarchical

11. This lecture will [denote, highlight] the importance of childhood immunisation programs for successful eradication of disease.

Answer: highlight

12. Any participant who tested positive during the allergy test was [automate, automatically, automated] allocated to one of the trial groups for further treatment.

Answer: automatically

13. [induced, implicit] in the use of computer-based learning in our universities is the expectation that all students are competent with this technology.

Answer: implicit

14. The software is designed to [restoration, restore, restored] the most recent settings if a fault causes it to close unexpectedly.

Answer: restore

15. They observed that the frogs with the greatest [deviate, deviated, deviation] from the normal skin colour were the ones most likely to survive in the new habitat.

Answer: deviation