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Academic word list 9 & 10

In these activities, you will learn to use the words in sublists 9 & 10 of the academic word list.

Different activities focus on:

  • word meaning
  • grammatical word form
  • collocation (words that typically pair with the target word)
  • spelling

Most common form Other words in the family
accommodation accommodate, accommodated, accommodates, accommodating
analogous analogy, analogies
anticipated anticipate, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, anticipated
assurance assure, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring
attained attain, attainable, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains unattainable
behalf -
bulk bulky
ceases cease, ceased, ceaseless, ceasing
coherence coherent, coherently incoherent, incoherently
coincide coincided, coincides, coinciding, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental
commenced commence, commences, commencement, commencing recommences, recommenced, recommencing
incompatible compatible, compatibility, incompatibility
concurrent concurrently
confined confine, confines, confining, unconfined
controversy controversies, controversial, controversially, uncontroversial
conversely converse
device devices
devoted devote, devotedly, devotes, devoting, devotion, devotions
diminished diminish, diminishes, diminishing, diminution, undiminished
distorted distort, distortingdistortion, distortions, distorts
duration -
erosion erode, eroded, erodes, eroding
ethical ethic, ethically, ethics, unethical
format formatted, formatting, formats
founded found, founder, founders, founding unfounded
inherent inherently
insights insight, insightful
integral -
intermediate -
manual manually, manuals
mature maturation, maturational, matured, matures, maturing, maturity immature, immaturity
mediation mediate, mediated, mediates, mediating
medium -
military -
minimal minimalisation, minimalise, minimalises, minimalised, minimalising, minimalization, minimalize, minimalizes, minimalized, minimalizing, minimalist, minimalists, minimalistic, minimally
mutual mutually
norms norm
overlap overlapped, overlapping, overlaps
passive passively, passivity
portion portions
preliminary preliminaries
protocol protocols
qualitative qualitatively
refine refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining
relaxed relax, relaxation, relaxes, relaxing
restraints restrain, restrained, restraining, restrains, restraint, unrestrained
revolution revolutionary, revolutionaries, revolutionise, revolutionised, revolutionises, revolutionising, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizes, revolutionizing, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutions
rigid rigidities, rigidity, rigidly
route routed, routes, routing
scenario scenarios
sphere spheres, spherical, spherically
subordinate subordinates, subordination
supplementary supplement, supplemented, supplementing, supplements
suspended suspend, suspending, suspends, suspension
team teamed, teaming, teams
temporary temporarily
trigger triggered, triggering, triggers
unified unify, unification, unifies, unifying
violation violate, violated, violates, violating, violations
vision visions

Most common form Other words in the family
adjacent -
albeit -
assembly assemble, assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling
collapse collapsed, collapses, collapsible, collapsing
colleagues colleague
compiled compile, compilation, compilations, compiles, compiling
conceived conceive, conceivable, conceivably, conceives, conceiving, inconceivable, inconceivably
convinced convince, convinces, convincing, convincingly, unconvinced
depression depress, depressed, depresses, depressing
encountered encounter, encountering, encounters
enormous enormity, enormously
forthcoming -
inclination incline, inclinations, inclined, inclines, inclining
integrity -
intrinsic intrinsically
invoked invoke, invokes, invoking
levy levies
likewise -
nonetheless -
notwithstanding -
odd odds
ongoing -
panel panelled, panelling, panels
persistent persist, persisted, persistence, persistently, persisting, persists
posed pose, poses, posing
reluctant reluctance, reluctantly
so-called -
straightforward -
undergo undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent
whereby -


Now try the activities which will help you become familiar with the words and expand your vocabulary.


  1. the biggest part
  2. a machine or mechanical item for performing a task, or a way of creating an effect
  3. the ability to imagine future improvements or advancements
  4. stop or finish
  5. for one thing to partly cover another thing in time or place
  6. cause something to happen or begin
  7. not able to work together
  8. happening or existing at the same time
  9. relating to an essential part of something
  10. restricted or limited
  11. at ease; not tense
  12. persuaded of the truth or logic of an idea or argument
  13. a time period
  14. a part of a whole
  15. an action which breaks a law or rule
  16. understanding or knowledge
  17. usual standards
  18. people you work with
  19. in the middle or between
  20. first or initial
  21. less important or less powerful
  22. done by a person, not a machine
  23. simple and easy
  24. experienced or done by two or more people, groups or organisations
  25. the means by which something is broadcast or published
  26. happening for a short time only
  27. next to, beside
  28. not taking action
  29. extremely large
  30. due to happen soon


  1. bulk
  2. device
  3. vision
  4. cease
  5. overlap
  6. trigger
  7. incompatible
  8. concurrent
  9. integral
  10. confined
  11. relaxed
  12. convinced
  13. duration
  14. portion
  15. violation
  16. insights
  17. norms
  18. colleagues
  19. intermediate
  20. preliminary
  21. subordinate
  22. manual
  23. straightforward
  24. mutual
  25. medium
  26. temporary
  27. adjacent
  28. passive
  29. enormous
  30. forthcoming

Identify the correct word forms. Choose the correct noun, verb or adjective from the options inside the square brackets.

Word 1

  • Noun: [attainable, attained, attainment]
  • Verb: attain
  • Adjective: [attains, attainment, attainable]]


  • Noun: [attainment]
  • Verb: attain
  • Adjective: [attainable]

Word 2

  • Noun: [diminishes, diminution, diminished]
  • Verb: diminish
  • Adjective: [diminishes, diminution, diminished]


  • Noun: [diminution]
  • Verb: diminish
  • Adjective: [diminished]

Word 3

  • Noun: [restrains, restraints, restrained]
  • Verb: restrain
  • Adjective: [restrained, restrained, restrains]


  • Noun: [restraints]
  • Verb: restrain
  • Adjective: [restrained]

Word 4

  • Noun: [mediates, mediated, mediation]
  • Verb: mediate
  • Adjective: [mediate, mediation, mediates]


  • Noun: [mediation]
  • Verb: mediate
  • Adjective: [mediate]

Word 5

  • Noun: [maturational, maturity, matured]
  • Verb: [mature, maturation, maturational]
  • Adjective: mature


  • Noun: [maturity]
  • Verb: [mature]
  • Adjective: mature

Word 6

  • Noun: [unifies, unification, unified]
  • Verb: unify
  • Adjective: [unifies, unification, unified]


  • Noun: [unification]
  • Verb: unify
  • Adjective: [unified]

Choose the best word in each sentence from the options inside the square brackets.

1. To see how far people would obey orders, Milgram set up an experiment [thereby, whereby] participants were instructed to give electric shocks to others.

Answer: whereby

2. Finding participants for your research can be a major challenge, as people are often [inclined, reluctant] to give up their time without financial reward.

Answer: reluctant

3. In fact, workers who were motivated by [intrinsic, incompatible] factors such as pride in their performance were much less likely to engage in bullying.

Answer: intrinsic

4. Any changes to regulations governing mandatory listing of ingredients in food labelling will [areas, likewise] affect the cosmetics industry.

Answer: likewise

5. The government has imposed a flood [panel, levy], a one-off tax to help meet the cost of rebuilding infrastructure after the recent natural disasters.

Answer: levy

6. In response to the H1N1 pandemic, many organisations developed a strict [protocol, route] to be followed in the event of an outbreak of the illness.

Answer: protocol

7. The [coincidental, qualitative] research involved interviewing groups of residents from three aged-care facilities on their experiences of isolation.

Answer: qualitative

8. It is clear that, [whereby, not-with-standing] the recent efforts of the national broadcaster, there is still a lack of ethnic diversity on our TV screens.

Answer: not-with-standing

9. The [ongoing, undergoing] debate on the effects of this policy is masking the real issue; the policy is in fact illegal and must be challenged in the courts.

Answer: ongoing

10. Acceptance of these values is spreading, [wherebys, albeit] slowly, mainly through a social networking campaign which recently achieved 100,000 followers.

Answer: albeit

Guess the word that matches the list of synonyms. The number of letters is given as a clue.

1. Synonyms: prejudice, influence, predispose

Hint: 4 letters

Answer: bias

2. Synonyms: correction, alteration, emendation

Hint: 8 letters

Answer: revision

3. Synonyms: announcement, declaration, publishing

Hint: 11 letters

Answer: publication

Choose the best word in each sentence from the options inside the square brackets.

1. One of the most common complaints about this technology is that it is [incompatible, reluctant] with many web applications such as video streaming.

Answer: incompatible

2. Communities have always needed faith, myth or ritual to ensure [coherence, format] is maintained.

Answer: coherence

3. Professor Mitchell is here tonight to give us his [norms, insights] into the tension between the need for border security and the plight of refugees.

Answer: insights

4. It has become common for leaders during a recession to [restraint, restrain restraining] wage increases for politicians as a symbol of solidarity with the people.

Answer: restrain

5. In family businesses, the [overlap, protocol] of usually separate relationships can cause tension; for example father-son can also be boss-employee.

Answer: overlap

6. Meditation is increasingly being utilised by professionals in all fields as a way to [conceive, attain] the calm and focus necessary for peak performance.

Answer: attain

7. Work has [founded, commenced] on the main stadium complex, which will take five years, and a team of 420, to construct.

Answer: commenced

8. Sustainability is an [integral, intermediate] part of the design, and materials have been chosen for their minimal impact on the environment.

Answer: integral

9. Ultimately, the funding body must be [invoked, convinced] that your research will produce findings that can be applied in the real world.

Answer: convinced

10. Occasionally it is not possible to resolve the dispute internally, in which case external [mediation, controversy] can be productive.

Answer: mediation

11. There has been some recent speculation on the possibility of a [unified, compelled] Asian currency, but the Euro's problems suggest this may be unwise.

Answer: unified

12. For instance, families who provide [passive, ongoing] care for elderly relatives would undoubtedly benefit from this kind of financial assistance.

Answer: ongoing

13. Learning is not [confining, confines, confined] to the classroom, nor is it solely managed by teachers; students must drive how they engage with the material.

Answer: confined

14. The tension between humans and their environment, whether natural or man-made, is a [devoted, persistent] theme of her films.

Answer: persistent