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Writing paragraphs

A paragraph is a group of connected sentences. It is generally made up of one main idea and a group of supporting sentences. Paragraphs are the basic unit for building longer pieces of writing.

The importance of paragraphs

This short video explains why writing good paragraphs in your assessment tasks is important. It also introduces the easy-to-follow TEEL structure for your paragraphs to improve your writing skills.

If information is organised and your main points are clear, you will get better marks. Making your ideas and arguments stand out is mostly done through having clear and well-structured paragraphs. A really good way to write paragraphs is to use the TEEL structure:

  1. Topic Sentence: The topic of the paragraph
  2. Explain: Why is the topic important?
  3. Evidence/Example: Support the topic (references)
  4. Link: Link back to the topic

This is an example:

"One factor within the team that seems to be important is the notion of team cohesiveness. Team cohesiveness enables a diverse group of individuals to work towards common goals. Addison (1996, p. 107) argues that highly cohesive teams 'are more effective at achieving goals they set for themselves, and have higher member satisfaction'. For example, cohesive teams are more likely to have high morale (Smith 1996) and the ability to cooperate, and so work effectively together (McAlfee & Champagne 1987). Therefore, team cohesiveness enhances team effectiveness."

See how the topic sentence tells you the main idea of the paragraph. The rest just supports this main idea. If it doesn't relate to the main idea, it doesn't belong in the paragraph. It is sort of like a formula for writing.

Linking your ideas helps the paragraph to flow and it shows how your analysis has developed. Have a look at the examples. The paragraph with linking words flows and it easy to read.

Separate sentences: "Many countries are in recession", and "China's economy is growing".  These are two separate ideas, so how do we link them?

Revised sentence: "Although many countries are in recession, China's economy is growing". The linking word in the paragraph here is "Although".

Here are a few more linking words: "furthermore…", "in addition…", "however…", "as a result…", "although…". "therefore…".

The paragraph with linking words flows and it easy to read. Without linking words, it is disjointed and more difficult to follow. By using linking words, it looks like you have thought more deeply about your research.

For more information about paragraphs, try the tutorial.

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Using the TEEL structure

Well structured paragraphs are important because if the information is well organised it is easier to read. The TEEL strategy is very helpful for knowing what should be included in a paragraph.

  • Topic sentence (contains the main idea and is usually first in the paragraph)
  • Explain
  • Evidence and example (use references)
  • Link (refer back or sum up main idea) - optional

Sample paragraph

Screen reader users, this text uses visual highlights to indicate different parts of speech. Each highlight is explained for your convenience.

One factor within the team that seems to be more important than the leader is the notion of team cohesiveness.Screen reader users, this is a topic sentence. Team cohesiveness enables a diverse group of individuals to work towards a common goal.Screen reader users, this is the explaination. Although there must be some minimum amount of cohesiveness if the team is going to continue to function as a team, Allen (2017, p. 48) states that highly cohesive teams 'are more motivated and effective in attaining goals when they have set these for themselves', and thus, achieve higher levels of member satisfaction.Screen reader users, this is the evidence. Further, team dynamics, particularly in teams with high team morale, is more important in terms of team effectiveness and productivity than the team leader (Park 2017; Taylor 2018).Screen reader users, this is the example. In this way the productivity of any group of employees is influenced by their ability to effectively work together so that their specialised skills and capabilities are maximised.Screen reader users, this is this is the summary.

Paragraphs activity

Test your skills! Try this short quiz to see if you can identify the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph.

The missing sentence will be wrapped in square brackets. Read the sentence and at the end, select the sentence you think is correct.

Exercise 1

[ ]In China, tea is usually drunk without milk or sugar in small cups. In Arab countries, tea is usually flavoured with mint leaves and sugar. However, in India tea is taken with both milk and sugar. Tea is now a popular drink worldwide.

  1. Tea is a healthy and refreshing drink.
  2. Tea is taken in a variety of ways in different countries.
  3. Tea is important part of the global economy.

Correct answer: 2

[Tea is taken in a variety of ways in different countries.]In China, tea is usually drunk without milk or sugar in small cups. In Arab countries, tea is usually flavoured with mint leaves and sugar. However, in India tea is taken with both milk and sugar. Tea is now a popular drink worldwide.

Exercise 2

[ ]Thirty years ago, most Australians ate a typical Northern European diet. Since the 1960's, immigrants have brought their food knowledge with them and shared it with Australians. Australian diets now strongly reflect those styles of cooking.

  1. The Australian diet has changed dramatically to the influences of immigration.
  2. The Australian diet is now more interesting and healthy than before.
  3. New migrants have imported new foods to Australia.

Correct answer: 1

[The Australian diet has changed dramatically to the influences of immigration.]Thirty years ago, most Australians ate a typical Northern European diet. Since the 1960's, immigrants have brought their food knowledge with them and shared it with Australians. Australian diets now strongly reflect those styles of cooking.

Exercise 3

[ ]Good office systems ensure the work is done efficiently. They also enable clear procedures and communications. These help to maintain good relationships in the office. Most importantly, they enable each worker to clearly understand what is required.

  1. A well-run office is one where staff respect each other.
  2. Good organisation is the basis of a well-run office.
  3. Happy staff make an effecient office.

Correct answer: 1

[A well-run office is one where staff respect each other.] Good office systems ensure the work is done efficiently. They also enable clear procedures and communications. These help to maintain good relationships in the office. Most importantly, they enable each worker to clearly understand what is required.