- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
This section will introduce you to the people and places that make up a tertiary institution and help unpack some of the concepts so they feel a little more familiar. Tertiary institutions are large places with lots of different spaces and staff members who support these spaces and students. Like...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- What will I do?
One of the biggest challenges to learning at a tertiary level is having to develop successful habits and adopting new ways of learning and working. While secondary school does some of the work to prepare you for the world of work and study, higher education expects more of you. Habits,...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- What will I need?
Your ability to use technology skillfully and confidently, also known as digital literacy, is essential for success in tertiary studies. Strong digital literacy skills facilitate better study, work and lifelong learning. These skills are valuable for a range of activities, including: Learning and development Most of your course and support...
Have questions about referencing? Check out the links below for self-guided resources and personal support options. Easy Cite Looking for the ins and outs of referencing styles? Easy Cite explains the rules of common styles used at RMIT, along with referencing tips and examples. Easy Cite covers the following styles:...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- About the institution
At RMIT, all educators share a common goal: to help students succeed in their studies. Let's explore the different roles that educational staff may play in your degree. Academics Academics at a university can include tutors, lecturers, professors, or deans. Some focus solely on research, while others combine teaching and...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- About the institution
Unlike secondary education, studying at a university can take many different forms. You might have classes that meet both on campus and online, and you will likely engage with a variety of online resources. The digital campus Not all learning takes place at the physical location where a tertiary institution...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- What will I do?
You're expected to learn independently at tertiary study. Take charge of your learning experience by motivating yourself. This page has tips to keep you on top of your study. Learn independently Time management skills are key in being a success in your learning. Take an independent approach in managing class...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- What will I do?
A new place often equals meeting new people. In higher education, those new relationships can have even more meaning. Get to know your teachers Develop an understanding of youre teachers' expectations. This can help you to learn more effectively in classes as you'll know how to study and interact with...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- Who will help me?
Study support services are available online and face-to-face to help you build on your academic skills. Online channels can include library chat or online consultations with an academic skills advisor, and there are often online self-help materials and tutorials across a range of topics and subjects. Face-to-face help might include...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- What will I do?
Tertiary study will likely include different class types and styles of assessment that are different from what you experienced during your secondary education. Learn what to expect so that you can prepare for classes and assessments in a way that maximses your learning and utilises your time effectively. Class types...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- About the institution
Navigating any space is easier when you understand how it's organised. Learn more about the way universities are structured and the types of study programs that are available, as well as the role of research at a university. Organisation of university activities A university is generally led by the Vice-Chancellor...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
- Who will help me?
Tertiary institutions encourage and support a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students both online and on campus. Wellbeing, health and safety services are available to students who may need additional support. These services support students with diverse social and cultural identities as well as physical and mental needs. Some...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
Transitioning to higher education, whether from high school or work, is a significant step. Students from high school may feel underprepared, while those returning to study from work might may take some time adjusting to study expectations. People who have moved to Australia or Vietnam for the first time may...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
Find out the technology and skills you will need in your studies, as well as why and how to use them. At tertiary level, you will use many digital resources to help navigate your way through your program. The ability to understand and use various tools and platforms will support...
- University essentials
- Getting started with Uni
There are many support services available to help you succeed in tertiary study. In this module we'll introduce you to some services that can help you achieve your goals, find your way and support you if things don't go as expected. Discover the different services you will need during teritiary...