Tertiary institutions encourage and support a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students both online and on campus. Wellbeing, health and safety services are available to students who may need additional support.
These services support students with diverse social and cultural identities as well as physical and mental needs. Some of the support available includes services for:
equitable learning and disability
Indigenous students
international students
under 18 students
LGBTIQ+ students.
Services are also designed to support your wellbeing and ensure that you have a safe experience at university. Many institutions will have emergency and crisis support, feedback and complains processes, campus security and financial and legal support.
Universities are big places, and they have a duty of care for people who work and study there. Even though making a safe environment for others is everyone's responsibility, it is the campus security team's top priority to ensure you feel safe and protected. They're often available 24/7 365 and have a phone number if you need them.
Cultural safety
Everyone deserves to feel safe, respected, valued and treated as an equal in their place of study.
If students experience prejudice and discrimination or feel uncomfortable in learning situations, it's up to everyone to change this. Institutions should create a safe environment for everyone, an address inequities by recognizing and respecting cultural identities. This can be achieved through knowledge sharing and collaborative learning.
Universities should be inclusive and accessible environments where students find digital and physical resources easy to understand and navigate. Although some spaces, especially in older buildings, may not be accessible to everyone, there are services available to address this issue. These supports may include physical adjustments, or staff who can help in person or online.
Counselling services are available at most tertiary institutions. You can make an appointment to visit a counsellor online or in person. There may also be a range of personal development and wellbeing workshops available to help you with mental health and wellbeing issues. Visit your institution's website and explore the counselling support services on offer.