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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab

Staying focused in online classes


Maximise your online class time; come to class prepared and learn strategies to help you focus.

Students on a video call

Image: OlgaStrelnikova/

Review the lesson information before the class

Prepare any questions you might want to ask

Open documents you might need before class.

Find a space to work in where you can concentrate.

Try using headphones to help minimise the noise around you.

Close any social media, messaging, and email apps so that you can concentrate during class.

Set your phone to Do Not Disturb.

Avoid multitasking during class and close any internet browsers you don't need.

Take notes in a way that works for you; use a notepad and pen, or a Word document.

Be prepared to turn your audio on to contribute to the lesson. ​

Not everyone is able to turn their video on in class, but it's a nice way to engage with your lecturer and classmates if you can.

Turning your audio or video on and speaking up in class can be scary the first few times, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you will feel.

Speaking up will help you develop interpersonal skills, something employers are always looking for.

It's also a great way to test out your knowledge, ask questions, and engage with your lecturer and classmates.

Hint: introduce yourself by saying your name when you speak for the first time in the first few classes. This way, your lecturer and classmates get to know you.


Reflect on how you learn best and apply it to your study habits.

Do you like to work with background noise?
Or do you need silence?

Do you like to work in a room with others?
Or do you prefer to work alone?

Are you most productive in the morning?
Or do you prefer to work in the evening?

Do you like to take notes on pen and paper?
Or do you take notes on a computer or laptop?

Icons: Happy Art/