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Being respectful of others can be demonstrated through the other values we’ve looked at. It's important to show respect to people, protocols and customs.

If you only show respect to your bosses or if you only act respectfully at work, sooner or later it will catch up with you. One recruiter tells the story of a job applicant who had the job “in the bag” until one of the selection panel saw him in a car park leaving the premises, tooting another car while talking on his mobile phone. He was not showing much respect to other drivers – or the law.

You can show respect by:

  • Treating peers, guests, instructors and staff with the appropriate level of respect whether in person, in writing or in electronic communications. For example, would you refer to a group of colleagues as "you guys"? What would it depend upon?
  • Demonstrating acceptance of diverse groups. Would you bring food to share at work knowing that there were certain groups who could not eat it? Would you insist on workers working on Saturday if it was against their religion and you could find an alternative solution?
  • Supporting the efforts of other students and workers. Don’t disrupt people with too much talking or loud talking, texting during meetings, coming late, leaving early...

Sometimes showing respect is about observing particular protocols and customs. Wearing hats inside is considered rude by many people. Shaking hands is acceptable in western business but not everywhere. Leaving your hands in your pockets may be seen as rude. If you want to show respect, always opt for a conservative approach to these sorts of behaviours - and if you don't know if something is acceptable or not, ask! People are generally happy to explain manners, customs and cultural protocols. 

Learning Portfolio

Complete exercise 4 in your Learning Portfolio.