Perception management is extremely important in the world of social media given the ease with which information can be disseminated. You need to be mindful of how you are presented in public and how others might perceive you based on the various bits of information that are "out there".
You should:
- Have a clear idea of how you want to be perceived (images, industry, connections). Where do you want people to find information about you? Facebook? Twitter? The local newspaper?
- Be consistent in the idea of who you are. For example, if you are committed to working with not-for-profits, do you really want a photo of you drinking in a nightclub to be in the newspaper?
- Have a central message – don’t fracture your message across too many sites and contexts. It makes it harder to control and keep current.
- Value privacy and security – consider the nature of information about you in the public realm. Information regarded as confidential or personal should always be kept private.
- Take action when needed – if there is false, misleading or unflattering information about you in the public realm, think seriously about what to may need to get some help in dealing with this, including legal help.
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