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Professional attitudes in the workplace

A professional attitude might be difficult to define but it is very easy to spot when it is absent. A professional attitude can be seen in:

  • A positive outlook (can do, problem solving approach)
  • The way you relate to co-workers and customers
  • Accepting responsibility by not blaming anyone else if YOU don’t manage to get something done
  • Maintaining an even volume and tone when speaking, even when you are feeling ruffled
  • Refraining from starting gossip or making negative comments about people, and not condoning gossiping and negativity in others
  • Having a confidential, professional conversation with your manager when you are unhappy about a task or your job more generally, rather than complaining to colleagues or on social media
  • Maintaining a positive attitude – if you aren't happy, or your mood is a bit flat, try and shake yourself out of it; fake a positive attitude even if you don't feel particularly perky! If you are so unhappy at work that you cannot control your mood, you may need professional help.