Use this resource to learn about matrices, their order, and the different types of matrices. A sound understanding of matrices is required in a huge range of real-world applications, like machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, image processing, urban planning and infrastructure development.
Matrices are arrays of numbers or variables arranged in rows and columns. There are a few key features of matrices that you should understand:
A matrix is a rectangular array of elements.
Matrices are usually denoted by upper case letters.
The elements are usually written within brackets.
The order or shape of the matrix is determined by the number of rows and columns of the matrix.
The number of rows is always given first, then the number of columns.
Matrix \(B\) is a square matrix and its order is \(2\times2\).
Unit matrix
A unit (or identity) matrix is a square matrix with diagonal elements equal to \(1\), and all other elements equal to \(0\). The unit matrix is usually denoted by \(I\), with the number of columns/rows indicated by a subscript.
For example, \(I_{3}\) is a \(3\times3\) unit matrix.