Decimals are used to express fractions in a more precise and easily understandable form. They are essential for handling money, measuring quantities, and applying mathematical concepts in everyday life and various professional fields. Use this resource to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and convert decimals.
A decimal is a way of representing numbers that are not whole, using a decimal point to separate the whole number part from the fractional part.
Place values are important. Remember that to the left of a decimal point, we use places: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. To the right of decimal point, we use: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.
For example, in the number \(32.157\):
\(3\) is in the tens column and has a place value of \(30\).
\(2\) is in the ones column and has a place value of \(2\).
\(1\) is in the tenths column and has a place value of \(0.1\).
\(5\) is in the hundredths column and has a place value of \(0.05\).
\(7\) is in the thousandths column and has a plave value of \(0.007\).
Whole numbers simply have a \(0\) in the tenths, hundredths, etc, place. So, \(17\) would be the same as \(17.000\).
Adding decimals
There is a simple rule for adding decimals.
When you add decimals, the decimal points must line up.
Video tutorial – adding decimals
Watch this video to learn how to add decimals.
Example – adding decimals
\(21.479\) has the most decimal places, so we write the other numbers to the same number of decimal places. \(3.04\) becomes \(3.040\) and \(17\) becomes \(17.000\).
There are some rules you need to follow to correctly place the decimal point in your answer after you multiply decimals.
Ignore the decimal points when you multiply the numbers.
Count the number of decimal places in the original numbers to find the total.
Place the decimal point so that the final product has the same number of total decimal places.
Video tutorial – multiplying decimals
Watch this video to learn how to multiply decimals.
Example 1 – multiplying decimals
When multiplying by multiples of \(10\), i.e. \(10\), \(100\), \(1000\), etc, all you need to do is move the decimal point to the right depending on how many zeroes the multiple has.
For example, if you multiply by \(10\), the number \(10\) has one \(0\), so we move the decimal point one place to the right. When you multiply by \(1000\), you move the decimal point three places to the right, corresponding to the three \(0\)'s in \(1000\).
In this case, we multiply by \(10\), so we move the decimal point one place to the right.
In this case, we multiply by \(100\), so we move the decimal point two places to the right.
In this case, we multiply by \(1000\), so we move the decimal point three places to the right.
Multiply the numbers, ignoring the decimal points.
We count the total number of decimal places in the original numbers. \(8.5\) had \(1\) decimal place and \(4\) had \(0\) decimal places. \(1+0=1\), so we give the final product \(1\) decimal place by counting backwards from the right-hand side.
Multiply the numbers, ignoring the decimal points.
We count the total number of decimal places in the original numbers. \(4.9\) had \(1\) decimal place and \(2.8\) had \(1\) decimal place. \(1+1=2\), so we give the final product \(2\) decimal places by counting backwards from the right-hand side.
Your turn – multiplying decimals
Calculate the following.
Dividing decimals
There are also rules you need to follow to correctly place the decimal point in your answer after you divide decimals.
Turn the divisor (the number that you are dividing by) into a whole number by moving the decimal point.
Move the decimal point in the dividend (the number that you are dividing into) the same number of decimal places as you have done for the divisor.
Divide the numbers.
Place the decimal point directly above its position in the dividend.
When you move the decimal point one spot to the right to make the divisor a whole number, this is the same as multiplying by \(10\). Two spots to the right is the same as multiplying by \(100\), and so on.
When you move the decimal point for the dividend, you multiply by the same power of ten.
Video tutorial – dividing decimals
Watch this video to learn how to divide decimals.
Example 1 – dividing decimals
When dividing by multiples of \(10\), i.e. \(10\), \(100\), \(1000\), etc, all you need to do is move the decimal point to the left depending on how many zeroes the multiple has.
For example, if you divide by \(10\), the number \(10\) has one \(0\), so we move the decimal point one place to the left. When you divide by \(1000\), you move the decimal point three places to the left, corresponding to the three \(0\)'s in \(1000\).
In this case, we divide by \(10\), so we move the decimal point one place to the left.
In this case, we divide by \(100\), so we move the decimal point two places to the left.
In this case, we divide by \(1000\), so we move the decimal point three places to the left.
The divisor is \(4\) and the dividend is \(8.4\). Here, the divisor is already a whole number, so we divide as usual and place the decimal place in the quotient directly above where it is in the dividend.
The divisor is \(0.4\) and the dividend is \(8.48\). Here, we need to make the divisor a whole number by multiplying by \(10\) to give \(4\). We also multiply the dividend by \(10\) to give \(84.8\).
The divisor is \(0.25\) and the dividend is \(145.25\). Here, we need to make the divisor a whole number by multiplying by \(100\) to give \(25\). We also multiply the dividend by \(100\) to give \(14525\).
Fractions and decimals are both effective ways to express numbers that are not whole. In some cases, it might be easier to work with fractions. In others, decimals might be more useful. It is helpful to be able to convert between them.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator.
To convert a decimal to a fraction, you express the decimal as a fraction with a power of ten as the denominator and simplify if necessary.
Video tutorial – converting between decimals and fractions
Watch this video to learn how to convert between decimals and fractions.
Example 1 – converting between fractions and decimals
Convert \(0.455\) into a fraction and simplify.
Look at the number of decimal places to determine which power of ten is placed at the bottom of the fraction. \(0.455\) has three decimal places, so the denominator needs to be \(10^{3}\) or \(1000\).
We can write the fraction with \(455\) as the numerator and \(1000\) as the denominator, and simplify.
\[\begin{align*} 0.455 & = \frac{455}{1000}\quad\textrm{divide top and bottom by \(5\)}\\
& = \frac{91}{200}
Convert \(3.75\) into a fraction and simplify.
\(3.75\) has two decimal places, so the denominator needs to be \(10^{2}\) or \(100\).
We can write the fraction with \(375\) as the numerator and \(100\) as the denominator, and simplify.
\[\begin{align*} 3.75 & = \frac{375}{100}\quad\textrm{divide top and bottom by \(5\)}\\
& = \frac{75}{20}\quad\textrm{divide top and bottom by \(5\)}\\
& = \frac{15}{4}\quad\textrm{convert to mixed number}\\
& = 3\frac{3}{4}
Convert \(2\dfrac{3}{8}\) into a decimal.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction first.