This page features an academic reflection sample showing the DIEP process.
A reflective blog: an academic reflection in four paragraphs (from Master of Project Management)
1 The insight
2 Describe
From an activity in this week's lecture, I learned that the best place to start resource planning is with questioning to clarify the client needs and to enable the work breakdown structure (WBS).1Screen reader users, this is the insight.The guest lecturer in Project Management Techniques, Dr Liu, started her presentation by asking us to assemble as a group of five and then build a tower from straws. She said it would be judged in terms of strength, height, and how aesthetically pleasing it was. My group and I did the task cooperatively and we finished it in the prescribed time. We thought we had done very well. Then Dr Liu made her point: all groups built the tower without much attention to project management techniques in terms of asking clients for clarification for planning, resources allocation, etc. None of us had asked a single question about the purpose, constraints, resources or stakeholder needs. The group displayed what she describes as 'groupthink'. I was amused and embarrassed but I learned a lesson about project management. 2Screen reader users, this is the describe section.
3 Interpret
Understanding the importance of clarification is central to my understanding of project management. It underpins my use of project management tools and techniques. Asking clarifying questions about types of work resources (people and equipment) and material resources (supplies, stock, and other consumable resources) allows me to identify what resources are needed for project effectiveness. When we want to designate who or what is accountable for accomplishing tasks in our project schedule, I can use PM tools to assign tasks and responsibilities. All of this is possible only if requirements are clarified through questions.3Screen reader users, this is the interpret section.
4 Evaluate
A major benefit of understanding the critical role of questioning in project management is that it might give me more confidence about asking questions and it changes my view of questioning government authorities. In my job as a project manager in the reserve bank in Phnom Penh, I traditionally would not feel able to question my superiors in these projects and I would try to establish the requirements and resources in some other way. I thought I could avoid asking questions by transferring lessons learned from one situation to another, and I could do this by using a framework as a predictive aid to resourcing (Cienfuegos and Penn, 2020). However, now I feel I am required by my position to determine the dimensions and resources of a project. Knowing the role of questioning to achieve objective clarity for a specific purpose is very valuable for me to give me confidence in my position as a project manager in government projects.4Screen reader users, this is the evaluate section.
5 Plan
I believe this new realisation will be useful throughout my degree and in my future professional and private life. In my degree, I will endeavour to clarify the critical aspects of project planning by using a questioning technique that allows me to understand objective dimensions, and other subjective aspects. In my practice as a project manager in Cambodia, I will use questioning to clarify the project goals and objectives with all stakeholders. In my life, I will question my own assumptions about what is expected of me before I make decisions based on my intuition.5Screen reader users, this is the plan section.
Linking experiences to evidence
Linking the experiences you have had to ideas from the literature produces higher quality reflective writing. Read the sample reflection to see how this student has integrated theories from literature into the reflection.
6 Literature
7 Student’s situation
During the project, I realised the importance of face-to-face meetings for teams. Regular and detailed team meetings are an essential part of the team-building process and for building collaboration and improved outcomes (American Association of Communications, 2022)6Screen reader users, this is the link to literature.. Our team meetings were compulsory and scheduled into the project. At first, I felt that these were a burden, but I began to enjoy them and appreciate their value as the project progressed.7Screen reader users, this is the student's situation.
Authentic reflections
Reflections sound authentic and relevant when specific events are described. Read the following reflection and note the highlighted example from the learning situation that prompted the writer's reflection and learning development.
8 Authentic student experience
Working in the hospital on my placement highlighted the critical need for double-checking patient information. Ensuring accuracy in patient details is a crucial part of the healthcare process and significantly impacts patient safety and treatment outcomes (American Medical Association, 2022). After making a mistake due to not double-checking the details, I quickly realised how vital this practice is in preventing errors and ensuring high-quality care8Screen reader users, this is an authentic student experience.. This experience underscored the importance of meticulous attention to detail in a healthcare setting.