- University essentials
- Critical thinking
- Introduction to critical thinking
Critical thinking doesn't just happen. It takes time to develop and practice the necessary combination of knowledge, skills and attitude. Let's take a look at how we can develop our critical thinking skills. As a critical thinker, you will: ask questions analyse and evaluate information/theories/practice be aware of your own...
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
In this tutorial you will learn why it is important to use high quality information. Hint: you'll get better grades! You will learn the difference between scholarly and non-scholarly information as well as strategies to help you critically evaluate information. Why can't I just Google it? Google is a good...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
Once you and your group members have introduced yourselves, it's time to select the tools your group will use to stay connected. There are many different tools to choose from. Your group might decide to use just one or multiple communication tools during your project. This section will take you...
- Law
- Writing a legal scenario
Manage your reading when studying Company Law. Start from the big picture – gain an overview of the topic. Step 1: Outline of the topic The lecture PowerPoints provide a guide to what is important for each Company Law topic – read, understand and make your own notes before the...
- Law
- Writing a legal scenario
Mind maps are a useful visual tool for organising, revising and remembering Company Law topics. They are useful for: gaining an understanding of a topic, its subtopics and legal issues each week preparing for exams. Making a mind map in company law For each topic, follow these steps to make...
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
- Preparing for exams
You've already done your revision and prepared yourself for your exam. But how can you ensure that you will perform at your best in the exam? These techniques will help you prepare for exams. Stress management in exams Relax. Long, slow, deep breaths are calming. Think positively. I can do...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
- Time management
Check out these tips for managing your time and keeping on track with your assessments. SMART goals Set goals that are SMART: Specific (assessment tasks for example) Measurable (can be checked and measured) Attainable (can be attained) Relevant (related to your education or career) Time-bound (set a realistic deadline) When...
- University essentials
- Group work
Once you have built a strong foundation for group work by using the strategies previously outlined, it's time to get down to work. To meet the task requirements, group members will be busy with different responsibilities at the same time. Focus on communicating and collaborating to successfully manage yourselves and...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
- Mind mapping
Mind maps are a great way to plan your work and to get organised. They can help you to understand how the ideas in your essays, reports and other assessments connect together. On this page, you'll find tips for creating a mind map. There are three steps to mind mapping....
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
- Find the information
RMIT's LibrarySearch is a search engine that can help you find print and electronic resources held by RMIT University Library. It provides access to most of the Library's books, e-books, journal and e-journal articles, news articles, case studies, streaming videos and more. LibrarySearch is available from the search box on...
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
- Preparing for exams
This page contains information to help you maximise your study sessions including organising information, categorising information visually, and identifying topics that are likely to be on the exam. Structuring your study sessions Before you begin your study session, think about how you will use your time. Having a strategy will...
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
- Understanding your assignment
The first step of an assignment is to read the instructions carefully to understand what is required. However, some words in the instructions can be difficult to understand. This page provides examples of common instructional words and explains their meanings. Sample assignment instructions and word meanings Read the sample assignment...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
Note-taking is an active process that helps you to concentrate and listen effectively. Good notes are structured, so they can be used for revision, assignment writing and exam preparation. In this section, you'll learn how to take notes that will enhance your studies. Have a clear purpose Before you start...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
- Note-taking
Actively taking notes in class can help you understand the topic better. Below are some tips that can help you take good notes in class and revise them after class. In class time During class teachers use various strategies to indicate to students what is important. Being aware of these...
- Assessments
- Presentations
There are many similarities between presenting online and face-to-face. However, there are some differences that you should take into account. Here are some tips for delivering a successful online presentation. Avoid reading from a script It can be tempting to read from a script in online presentations, but it is...
- Assessments
- Getting started with assignments
If you're feeling overwhelmed about how to revise for an exam, this tutorial will give you some useful techniques to improve your performance. We'll cover how to revise for your exams and also provide strategies you can use while you are taking the exam. Revision Revision begins in the first...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
- Time management
Procrastination means delaying or postponing something that must be done because it seems difficult or unpleasant. If you are someone who procrastinates, it's important to remember that it IS possible to teach ourselves new behaviours. Let's get started! Reasons you might be procrastinating When procrastination becomes a problem, it can...
- University essentials
- Study essentials
- Reading skills
Skimming and scanning are time-saving reading techniques that allow you to find the information you need without reading full texts. This page gives you some tips for how to get started using these techniques. Skimming This involves reading through a text quickly to get a general idea of its contents....
Find out about key study strategies needed for successful tertiary learning....
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
When your group has decided how to keep in touch, it’s time to consider how you will work together from separate locations. Online collaboration tools and platforms have become the preferred method of group work in many educational and professional settings. Understanding the basics of using these online tools to...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
The ability to communicate and collaborate with team members online is an essential 21st century skill, in both academic and professional spaces. Learning how to collaborate effectively when doing group work online will help you get the most out of your units and assessments. This is an important digital literacy...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
Clear communication is the key to success in online group work, while poor communication can lead to disastrous results. Here are some tips for communicating effectively online. Agree on how you will communicate. Will you use instant messaging applications, email, or discussion boards? Will you hold virtual meetings? See Choosing...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
When working on a group task, it's important to remember that we are all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that external factors can sometimes affect our university life. For example, it can be easy to consider that team members are lazy when they are falling behind on group work....
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
This section outlines some useful tips on how to work well with your classmates online. Taking time to plan at the beginning of your group project will set you up to succeed. Here are some tips for getting started: As a group, analyse your task. Read the assignment instructions and...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
- Working well together online
This page outlines some useful tips on how to work well with your classmates online. Although it may be tempting to share a screenshot of something funny from your group meetings or post a cool infographic your team member has made on your social media, remember that it's important to...
- University essentials
- Online learning skills
There are times at university when you need to email your lecturers, tutors, or other university staff members to communicate personal or non-public matters. University emails are generally expected to be concise pieces of formal or semi-formal written communication. Learning how to structure an academic email, and the content to...