Decimals are used to express fractions in a more precise and easily understandable form. They are essential for handling money, measuring quantities, and applying mathematical concepts in everyday life and various professional fields. Use this resource to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and convert decimals. A decimal is...
Our everyday world is filled with things we can measure; each is defined by dimensions in maths and physics. By understanding dimensions, we can accurately describe and compare different physical quantities. Use this resource to learn about dimensions. Dimensions describe the fundamental units that make up physical properties. When we...
Measurements are fundamental in mathematics because they provide a means to quantify and understand the physical world. Worksheets Download the measurement worksheets to improve your skills. Dimensions (PDF) Errors in measurement (PDF) Errors in calculations (PDF) Scientific notation (PDF) Engineering notation (PDF) Rules (PDF) Calculations (PDF)...
Imagine trying to write out the mass of the Earth in kilograms; that would be \(5\,972\,000\,000\,000\,000\,000\,000\,000\textrm{ kg}\). Expressing such big numbers this way is hard and can lead to mistakes. In science and engineering, notation plays a key role in simplifying calculations and conveying information efficiently. Use this resource to...
When multiple measurements are used to calculate a quantity, each of these measurements may carry its own uncertainty. By being careful and taking into account these uncertainties, scientists and engineers can better assess the reliability and precision of their conclusions. Use this resource to learn how to consider, or propagate,...
The quality of measurements is very important in science and engineering because it affects how reliable the results are. There are a number of factors that affect the quality of measurements, like accuracy, precision, uncertainty and error. Use this resource to learn about these concepts. Accuracy and precision Accuracy shows...
The ability to complete calculations using moles is very important in chemistry. Test yourself with a quiz. Your turn – mole calculations Aspirin has the formula \(\ce{C}_{9}\ce{H}_{8}\ce{O}_{4}\). Calculate the mass of aspirin in grams present in \(0.650\textrm{ mol}\) of aspirin. The molar masses of \(\ce{C}\), \(\ce{H}\) and \(\ce{O}\) are \(12.01\textrm{...
In our everyday world, we measure things with precision. This is where significant figures come in. They help us communicate how precise our measurements are. Use this resource to learn how to identify and apply significant figures. A significant figure (or "sig fig") is a digit in a measurement that...
Significant figures are important in calculations because they help keep the precision of measurements accurate in the results. When you do math operations, the number of significant figures in your values decides how precise the final answer should be. Use this resource to learn the rules for using significant figures...
The mole (\(n\)) is an important unit of measurement in chemistry because it allows scientists to count and quantify atoms, molecules, and ions in a given sample. This then allows them to perform calculations relating to chemical reactions. In everyday language, we use \(1\) dozen \(=12\) object, \(1\) dozen \(=10\)...
Units are used to describe physical quantities. Being able to express units in the most appropriate way is crucial for scientific research, engineering, everyday tasks, and effective communication across measurement systems. A unit is a standard measurement used to express and quantify physical quantities. They provide a reference point that...
Chemistry often deals with quantities (amounts) of chemicals. What do moles have to do with chemistry? How do we measure the mass of different components in a chemical reaction? The mole and stoichiometry are explained here. Overview The mole – what number does a mole represent and how is it...