Distributed Leadership Matrix of dimensions and inputs

The Distributed Leadership Matrix of Dimensions and Inputs,below, presents a map of the five inputs required by institutions to move from a centralised to a distributed concept of leadership and the five dimensions (and elements) of distributed leadership.



(required to move towards distributed leadership)

Dimensions (and elements) of Distributed Leadership


 From power to influence


From control to autonomy


From top-down to interdependent, multi-level and


From individual to collective identity


 Shared purpose through cycles of change

Encourage Involvement Move from regulation to trust Value staff expertise identified in university vision and strategy Policy influenced by practice at multi-levels and multi-functions Create opportunities for self-identification of participants as leaders as well as teachers/scholars Establish action research cycle with identified plan, role, activity timetable and responsibilities
Create Process Formal leaders to support informal leaders Develop culture of respect for expertise Introduce opportunities for practice to influence policy Encourage collaborative groups e.g. Communities of practice as action research teams Development of action research cycles and reflective practice techniques and tools
Develop Shared Leadership Formal leadership training to include distributed leadership Encourage representation on decentralised committees Senior Exec. support involve all stakeholders Professional development workshop on distributed leadership opportunities for dialogue and networking Encourage reflective practice as methodology
Resource Collaborative Opportunities Time and finance for collaborative activities Leadership contribution recognised Mentor and facilitate collaboration Encourage regular meetings (face-to-face and online) & cross university networking Fund time for reflective activities
Support Engagement Work-plans identify contribution Leadership contribution rewarded Systems and infrastructure support Diagnostic tool to demonstrate outputs Skilled facilitators for participatory action research process


The five inputs needed to move towards a distributed leadership approach were identified as: encouragement for involvement; creation of processes; development of shared leadership; provision of resources to aid collaborative opportunities and support for engagement. Each column of Distributed Leadership Matrix of Dimensions and Inputs identifies the elements that make up a particular dimension. For example, the elements for the dimension of Context is found in the range from power to influence.

The Distributed Leadership Matrix of Dimensions and Inputs provides institutions with the opportunity to map what inputs are needed to achieve the dimensions needed for distributed leadership. It supports the institutions’ ability to identify the elements required to achieve each dimensions by combining them vertically. It also provides the ability to identify how the elements are a factor of each input by combining them horizontally.