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Working with physical quantities

Chemistry often deals with quantities (amounts) of chemicals. How do we use units to describe them? What do moles have to do with chemistry? How do we measure the mass of different components in a chemical reaction? Unit conversions, the mole, and stoichiometry are explained here.


  • Units and conversions – how many grams are in a kilogram? How do we describe volume? Where does scientific notation fit in? 25 minutes to complete
  • The mole – what number does a mole represent and how is it used in chemistry? 25 minutes to complete
  • Quiz – The mole – can you complete calculations involving moles? 30 minutes to complete
  • Stoichiometry – what is the relationship between reactants and products in chemistry? 40 minutes to complete
  • Quiz – Stoichiometry – can you complete calculations involving stoichiometry? 25 minutes to complete
Cartoon of an experiment in chemistry. Beakers, flasks and other equipment