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Online you

Become active online and generate positive, constructive content, images and comments. A good way to start is with your own blog.

Create a blog using your own name and consider the following:

  • If possible, get a professional head-and-shoulders photo to use on your blog and all of your other social media sites, including email.
  • Update your site regularly - make sure the content is fresh and current.
  • Have a critical friend proof read content and check for general readability.
  • Is your name common? If so, mention what you do – John Smith, Financial Advisor– or use an initial,  John T. Smith to readily identify yourself. A few key words that you use over and over in your online content will also help.

You should also consider what other digital content about you is out there – maybe from years ago – that might be searchable. The point of this activity is to check how others might perceive you based on material about you that is available and searchable online. Carefully and regularly monitor and maintain your online presence.

Learning Portfolio

Complete exercise 10 in your Learning Portfolio.


More stuff


SSW’s resources on email are highly recommended reading and viewing. As well as providing information on etiquette, this site shows how useful email is – beyond basic communication.