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Researching your assignment

Before you start searching for information on your assignment topic, it is important to be organised and have a clear process in mind. This will help you focus your search and identify and resolve the issues you might encounter along the way.

The search process diagram: analyse the topic, develop a search strategy, find background information, find in-depth information, evaluate information sources, reference.
Search process diagram, by RMIT, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Understand the assignment task

It is important to understand what your assignment topic means before you start your research, otherwise it can lead to confusion, frustration and wasted time. It is also one of the common causes of assignment failure.

Analysing the words used in the assignment prompt is a good way to understand the assignment topic. The prompt is usually very specific and will refer to only part of the course content. There are three common types of words to look out for.

Content words

Content words identify concepts or ideas from your course that apply to the topic. To properly understand content words it is often necessary to do some research on the topic first. Think about the following:

  • Which part of the course content does the prompt refer to?
  • Which aspects of the topic are required?
  • What broader context is this prompt part of?

Instructional words

A clear understanding of instructional words is vital for completing the assignment in the way the lecturer expects. In an assignment, the lecturer is not only assessing what you know, but also your ability to respond to the content in a particular way. Assignments may require you to:

  • describe or give information about a topic or idea
  • show or explain the relationship between topics or ideas
  • describe or explain a process
  • argue a point of view
  • compare different ideas.

Limiting words

Limiting words narrow down the topic. They tell you what aspects of the topic should be included and the limits of your discussion, such as time or location.

Sample assignment task

Here's an example of an assignment task where the content, instructional and limiting words have been identified.

Compare team modelsScreen reader users, this is a content word. in two contemporaryScreen reader users, these are limiting words. organisations.DiscussScreen reader users, this is an instructional word. the effectiveness of these models with reference to current management theories.

Activity: Identifying content, instructional, and limiting words

Test your understanding by identifying the content, instructional and limiting words in the following assignment topic.