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Academic integrity and preparing for exams

Each exam has a set of rules and regulations that students needs to follow. If they do not, this can lead to academic misconduct. On this page, you'll learn how academic integrity relates to exams and how to find out what is and isn't allowed in exams.

Exam rules

Not all exams have the same rules. For example, in some exams, you may be allowed to use notes, but in others this will not be allowed. If you have an exam coming up, check your canvas modules and emailing tutors/lecturers to see if there are any special conditions for your exam.

Knowing the conditions as early as possible will help to prepare for your exam more effectively.

Some things to check are:

  • what technology, if any, can be brought into the exam (e.g. smart phones and watch, calculators).
  • if notes may be brought into the exam, and if so, are there are any conditions in terms of quantity?
  • what you are required to do with personal items such as phones. For example, you may not be permitted to keep them on your desk even when switched off.

For online exams, you should consider academic integrity by checking the instructions of what technologies are permitted. Also, you may be required to use a lockdown browser to prevent you from navigating away from the exam screen.

Example exam instructions

These instructions explain the specific rules that apply to this exam.

Exam details

Course code: ISYS2056

Course description: Business Information Systems

Date of exam: 1/11/2025 Start time: 9.15 Duration of exam: 2hr 15min

Total number of pages (incl. this cover sheet): 22

Allowable materials and instructions to candidates

  1. Write your full name and student number on each exam booklet together with the number of exam books used.
  2. You must not write, mark in any way any exam materials, read any other text other than the exam paper or do any calculations during reading time.
  3. All mobile phones must be switched off and placed under your desk. You are in breach of exam conditions if it is on your person (i.e. in your pocket).
  4. You can be reported for misconduct if you breach exam regulations.
  5. This is a CLOSED BOOK Exam.
  6. Calculators are not allowed.
  7. Bi-lingual dictionaries are not allowed.
  8. Students must write all answers within the Exam Paper in the spaces provided.
  9. This Exam Paper contains Sections A, B & C. Refer to instructions in each section.
  10. This Exam Paper is worth 100 marks & comprises 50% of the total marks allocated in this course.

After your exam

In many cases, students are not allowed to take exam papers out of the exam room to protect the integrity of the exam. Removing or sharing exam materials can be considered academic misconduct and lead to serious consequences.

Want to learn more? Visit the academic integrity section of the Learning Lab.