The image shows handwritten text. At the top there are two groups labelled "Staff" and "Communication". They both have arrows pointing to a large piece of text, "Problems/issues", in a circle in the centre.
The group labelled "Staff" has the following sub-topics:
- treated as numbers
- only there for the money
- no initiative allowed
- unsupported
- underutilised
The group labelled "Communication" has the following sub-topics:
- top down only
- 'memos'
- no feedback
- no updates on company policy changes
From the "Problems/issues" circle there are arrows to two more groups, labelled "Management culture" and "Leadership". In addition, there are arrows between each of these groups.
The group labelled "Management culture" has the following sub-topics:
- top down: hierarchical
- distrust staff
- no respect
- controlling / no initiative allowed
- gender: no senior women
- no understanding of what frontline staff do
- staff are 'low-skilled clerks'
The group labelled "Leadership" has the following sub-topics:
- CEO/ Owner
- autocratic style
- results focussed
- controls
- no interaction with staff
Finally, each of these groups has arrows which lead to the last group, labelled "Control". It has the following sub-topics:
- 'super snoops' are spies
- monitor computer hits to measure productivity
- no initiative to make improvements
- 'us and them' mentality