Writing an artist statement is an essential professional skill for any creative arts or design practice. It can help to identify what is important in your creative work.
Here you will find information and learning activities that will help you to:
Understand what an artist statement is and why it's useful.
Identify different types of artist statements and when to use them.
Analyse examples of real professional artist statements from our RMIT creative communities and art collections.
Practice how to write an artist statement in your own words.
Communicate your creative practice to others, develop your writing skills and find your 'voice'.
What is an artist statement?
An artist statement is a short text that explains your creative work in your own words. Your artist statement can help others to understand your work and can be a way to engage and connect with your audience.
Imagine your artist statement as something that could represent you if you weren't present to explain your work.
Your artist statement will change over time as you evolve your creative practice – you will need to write it more than once! You will also need different types of statements for different purposes.
Who needs one and why?
Who needs an artist statement? Anyone who works in creative fields such as:
visual & creative arts
graphic & product design
fashion & textile design
writing & literary arts
music & performing arts
screen & digital media
interior & architectural design
An artist statement is useful for a portfolio of work, as part of a creative project, or as part of an application process for a job, project, exhibition, performance, grant, or other professional opportunity.
Many artists and designers now have an online presence with websites and social media platforms showcasing their work. This is a useful way to promote yourself and form communities of practice. A relevant and current artist statement can be part of your brand and might be one of the first things people encounter when they view your work online, so it's important to know how to write about your practice in an accurate and engaging way.