UEENEEE003B Solve problems in extra-low voltage single path circuits

Connection and measurement

In this practical activity you will connect series circuits, use a multimeter to measure electrical values and apply formulas to calculate predicted results.

1. Preparation

Download and print the Word document connection and measurement (Word78kb). This document provides instruction on circuit connection method and a table to record measured values.

Access the following equipment:

  • 12 volt power source
  • 1 x 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000Ω resistors
  • connecting wires
  • multimeter (or individual ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter).


  • A circuit board for training purposes containing the above components, a suitable power source and meters.

2. Connect and test circuits

Connect two circuits as shown in the Word document and measure voltage and current as specified. Record these values in the table provided.

Note: If you are having any difficulty or are unsure how to connect these circuits, see your trainer for help.

3. Apply the formula

Use the appropriate formula to calculate the predicted measurement values. Record these values into the table.

Note: You must show your calculations including the formula.

Compare your measured values with your calculated predictions.  Were they the same or different? If they were different, briefly explain why you believe the differences exist.

4. Reflect on your results

Answer the questions comparing the current flow and voltage drops for the two circuits.

5. Submit the activity

Present your completed connection and measurement document to your trainer for feedback.

Note: This completed document can be saved as evidence of work completed.