Hand tools


Used for gripping and turning pipes or conduits.

Common types:

  • stillson pipe wrenches
  • footprint pipe wrenches
  • multi-grip pliers.

Most wrenches `bite-in' and will mark the surface on which they are used. They should not be used on polished or plated surfaces (use a strap wrench). Burrs left on the surface should be filed off. Galvanised metal conduit should be refurbished with paint to avoid rust.

Do not use wrenches on bolts or nuts.

Stillson pipe wrenches

These have a set of jaws that bite into the work. A knurled adjusting nut is used to set the width of the jaws. Once the jaws are adjusted to suit the pipe size, pressure on the handle causes the hardened serrations to bite into the work. Moving the handle in the opposite direction releases the jaws. Like most spanners you should pull the handle towards you.

Photo of a stillson pipe wrench

Stillson pipe wrench


Multigrip pliers

These are similar to the footprint pipe wrench except they have a greater amount of adjustment via a shaped pin and slotted pivot holes.


Photo of multigrip pliers

Multigrip pliers


Strap wrenches

These are used to grip smooth round surfaces without marking the surface. The strap wrench is a self-tightening wrench with either a chain or strap of metal, leather, or rubber, attached to a handle.