OHS practices - First aid
When there are no signs of life present, then the rescuer should commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
When engaging in chest compressions:
- interruptions to compressions should be minimised
- compressions should be fast and hard
- over-ventilation should be avoided.
The compressions ventilation ratio is 30:2 (30 compressions to 2 breaths) for infants, children and adults.
Find the lower half of the sternum. You should visualise the 'centre of the chest' and compress at that point. Position the heel of your hands in the centre of the person's chest, interlace your fingers and lift them off the chest. Using the heel of the hand, give 30 compressions.
Locating centre of chest
Each compression should depress the chest by about one third. After 30 compressions take a deep breath, seal your mouth over the person's mouth, pinch their nose, and give two firm breaths. Thirty compressions and two breaths should be continued till either first aid arrives or the person's pulse returns. It can be carried out by either one or two people.