OHS practices - Hazardous substances
Haz-chem placards
Where dangerous goods are stored in large amounts (according to Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulation 2001), placarding must be erected.
An outer warning placard stating 'HAZCHEM', as shown below, must be visible from every entrance to the premises.
Haz-chem placard
Note: Placarding is not required where the only gas present is liquified petroleum gas in cylinders outside a building, connected to appliances by piping.
Information placards must be placed at the following locations where gases are stored in excess of the placarding quantity:
- the main point of entry into a building
- at either the main point of entry to a room or enclosure or other area
- adjacent to where the gas cylinders are being stored.
Information placards may take two forms:
- those for tanks (gas cylinders that have a water capacity of 500L or more) need to be in the format shown below displaying the proper shipping name, UN number, class diamond label and haz-chem code
- for package stores, the placard consists of the class diamond for each class of gas stored in excess of the placarding quantity. The class diamonds must be at least 100 mm in diameter and not confused or obstructed by other signs or objects. (Note: Packages are cylinders that are less than 500 litres water capacity.)
Tank information placard