OHS practices - Manual handling
Reducing risks
Worker on a ladder
Risks can be reduced by:
- redesigning the workplace
- lightening loads, eg, breaking them down into smaller parts
- adding handles
- using correct lifting techniques
- using a mechanical aid, such as a trolley or forklift
- adding rest breaks to break up prolonged handling
- preventing muscle strain by warming up before activity.
To prevent injuries resulting from the lifting and carrying of objects:
- use suitable mechanical lifting equipment whenever possible, such as cranes
- use the correct personal protective equipment
- learn the correct methods of lifting and carrying.
Legislation and Code of Practice
Most states have regulations which apply to manual handling in certain industries. This kind of regulation usually limits weight for women and juniors. Protection is often not provided for men.
A few industrial awards also have manual handling (weight) restrictions. Worksafe Australia has codes of practice on manual handling.