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Staying focused in online classes

Are you new to online study? Want to discover some strategies for effective online learning? Here are some tips for maximising your online class time.

  • Review the lesson information before the class
  • Prepare any questions you might want to ask
  • Open documents you might need before class.

  • Find a space to work in where you can concentrate.
  • Try using headphones to help minimise the noise around you.
  • Close any social media, messaging, and email apps so that you can concentrate during class.
  • Set your phone to Do Not Disturb.
  • Avoid multitasking during class and close any internet browsers you don't need.

  • Take notes in a way that works for you; use a notepad and pen, or a Word document.
  • Be prepared to turn your audio on to contribute to the lesson.
  • Not everyone is able to turn their video on in class, but it's a nice way to engage with your lecturer and classmates if you can.

  • Turning your audio or video on and speaking up in class can be scary the first few times, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you will feel.
  • Speaking up will help you develop interpersonal skills, something employers are always looking for.
  • It's also a great way to test out your knowledge, ask questions, and engage with your lecturer and classmates.

Hint: introduce yourself by saying your name when you speak for the first time in the first few classes. This way, your lecturer and classmates get to know you.


Reflect on how you learn best and apply it to your study habits.

  • Do you like to work with background noise?
    Or do you need silence?
  • Do you like to work in a room with others?
    Or do you prefer to work alone?
  • Are you most productive in the morning?
    Or do you prefer to work in the evening?
  • Do you like to take notes on pen and paper?
    Or do you take notes on a computer or laptop?

Making a good impression online

Communicating clearly and having positive interactions with your classmates and teachers is just as important in online classes as it is in person.

Most people are used to talking to their friends and family online, but they might have less experience interacting in an online academic space. Do you know how to make a good impression in online classes?

Play the video to get some tips on:

  • positioning your camera
  • engaging with group members
  • communicating with your peers
  • writing posts and chat messages
  • finding online support.

G'day, I'm Tull! In this video I'm going to give you some tips on how to make a good impression online. It's important to remember that university is an academic and professional space. You could be studying among future employers or colleagues.

So how can you put your best foot forward online? When you're speaking, it's nice to turn your camera on if you can, so that your classmates and teacher can get to know you. Position the camera so that you are facing straight on, it might help to prop your laptop or computer up with a stand or some books. Try sitting in front of a window so that the natural sunlight lights your face. Think about your background. What's behind you? Can you angle yourself so that you have a neutral background? Of course, it's not always possible to turn your camera on or sit in front of a window or have a nice background but just do your best and don't let this stop you from contributing in class.

It's also helpful to mute your microphone when you aren't speaking. This minimises the background noise for everyone else. If your teacher puts you in a breakout room, it can help you to engage with your group members if you switch your camera on. If you can't switch your camera on, that's OK! Just let your group members know that you're still there, you're listening, and you're ready to talk.

Always try to be culturally sensitive and use inclusive language when you speak to your classmates and teachers. Be aware of making jokes and using sarcasm as humour can easily be misinterpreted online. Avoid using slang words as not everyone may understand these. And never use offensive language! Proofread what you type before you press send. And remember, the main class chat is not a place to have private discussions! Whether you are typing a message in the class chat, giving a presentation, responding on a discussion board, or speaking aloud in an online class, remember to be polite and respect others' points of view. Show people the same courtesy online that you would in person.

So, use these tips. Make the most of your online classes and join in! Contribute your ideas and listen to others. Ask questions and remember there are lots of places in the university where you can ask for support such as the Library, IT, and Student Connect.

I hope these tips have been helpful. See you later!

Images on this page by RMIT, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Further resources


Whether studying online or in person, note-taking is an essential skills. Learning how to take notes effectively will help you to retain the information you need.

Managing my time

Do you ever feel that you are not getting the most out of your time? Visit the Managing my time section for tips on how to study more effectively.