Panel title
This is the content. The recommended character limit depends on the options used.
Extra informationThe nav-panel
shortcode displays a blockquote styled panel which can link to another page and display a variety of options. Visually, it is separate from the rest of the content and can provide prominence to the information contained within.
Here are the options available:
*Note: If you're converting the old contextualised content panels, the panel title is the old link text and the content is 'Explore these skills in a real world context'. This is the opposite, visually from the old panels.
Panel title
This is the content. The recommended character limit depends on the options used.
Extra information
[nav-panel title="Panel title" category="Category" extra-info="Extra information" link="/link-here/" icon=""]This is the content. The recommended character limit depends on the options used.[/nav-panel]
It's unlikely (and not recommended) that all of these pieces be used at once. Here are some examples demonstrating suggested use.
Artist statement
Understand the purpose of an Artist statement, identify various types, analyse real examples and practice writing in your own words. This skill helps communicate your creative practice, develop writing skills, and find your 'voice'.
[nav-panel title="Artist statement" link="/documentation/"]This is the content. Max. 280 characters recommended.[/nav-panel]
Assignment slammer
The library has a great assignment planning tool that is easy to use and provides you with step-by-step plan, withs links to lots of resources to help you stay on task.
[nav-panel title="Assignment slammer" category="Tool" link="/documentation/"]This is the content. Max. 280 characters recommended.[/nav-panel]
Understanding an assignment topic
[nav-panel title="Understanding an assignment topic" category="PDF" link="/documentation/"][/nav-panel]
Starting your first assignment
Planning and organising your first assignment may seem daunting to students who are new to academic study. This tutorial gives you an overview of how to analyse the assessment task and plan the assignment.
6 pages / 20 mins
[nav-panel title="Starting your first assignment" extra-info="6 pages / 20 mins" link="/documentation/"]This is the content. Max. 280 characters recommended.[/nav-panel]
Evaluating market information
This is the content. Max. 140 characters recommended max.
[nav-panel title="" link="" icon=""]Explore these skills in a real world context.[/nav-panel]