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Landing banner and landing listing

Landing shortcodes are only used on pages using the "Landing" page template, because they take up the full width of the page. Refer to the Documentation landing page to see these shortcodes in action.

Landing banner

The landing-banner shortcode displays and image, an introduction and a caption.

Scaled down image of Landing baner output
[landing-banner alt="An example image" img=""]Introduction - no need to wrap in paragraph tags[/landing-banner]
  • For the image, url should be an absolute path. An example url:
  • An alt tag which describes the image should be included and be no longer than 100 characters
  • The introduction should be around 160 characters

Landing list

The landing-list shortcode displays a list of the page's children. It needs to be wrapped in a nav tag with class landing-list-container

<nav class="landing-list-container">[landing-list /]</nav>
