The privacy laws regulate how personal information must be collected,
used and secured by the federal government and many private sector organisations,
including financial institutions. Given the high value we place on our
customers' privacy rights, it is extremely important that everyone at
VFS has an accurate understanding of what the privacy laws entail.
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the purpose of the Privacy Act, the National Privacy Principles
(NPP's) and the different types of information you deal in
- Describe the application of the NPP's in the workplace
- Describe our banker's duty of confidentiality.
Note that where text is underlined in this module, you can click on
that text and be linked to further details. Where the underlined text
to an NPP, you can move your mouse to the text, without clicking, and
it will indicate which NPP applies to that text.
This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.