Architectural drawings

The following questions are about architectural drawings.


For the eight questions:

  • choose the correct answer
  • write down your answer.


Photo of architectural drawings


1. Select diagram Word document (308kb) to view an architectural diagram. What type of drawing is shown in the document?

  1. Floor plan.
  2. Assembly drawing.
  3. Orthogonal projection.
  4. Site plan.


2. Select diagram Word document (223kb) to view an architectural diagram. What type of drawing is shown in the document?

  1. Floor plan.
  2. Assembly drawing.
  3. Orthogonal projection.
  4. Site plan.


3. Select diagram Word document (223kb) to view an architectural diagram. How many two-way light switches are shown in the diagram?

  1. One.
  2. Two.
  3. Three.
  4. Eight.


4.Select diagram Word document (223kb) to view an architectural diagram. How many single fluorescent lights are shown in the diagram?

  1. None.
  2. One.
  3. Four.
  4. Eight.


5. Select diagram Word document (223kb) to view an architectural diagram. How many exhaust fans are shown in the diagram?

  1. None.
  2. One.
  3. Two.
  4. Four.


6. What does the symbol shown represent?

The image shows a line intersecting with two shorter lines. The shorter lines are at right angles on each end of the longer line.

Image of a type of symbol used in architectural drawings
  1. Overhead cable.
  2. Underground cable.
  3. Fluorescent lamp.
  4. Exhaust fan.


7. What does the symbol shown represent?

The image shows a circle below and touching a straight line. The circle is midway along the straight line.

Image of a type of symbol used in architectural drawings
  1. Looped system outlet.
  2. Luminaire (wall fixed).
  3. Push button.
  4. Exhaust fan.


8. What does the symbol shown represent?

The image shows a rectangle containing a figure eight shape. There is a straight line extending at right angles from the centre of one side of the rectangle.

Image of a type of symbol used in architectural drawings
  1. Push button.
  2. Exhaust fan.
  3. Twin lamp.
  4. Water heater.

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