Joining materials


For the eight questions:

  • choose the correct answer
  • write down your answer.

1. How is a wing nut designed to be tightened?

  1. By using a flat screwdriver.
  2. By using a shifter.
  3. By hand.
  4. By using a philips head screwdriver.

2. What is a major feature of using a bolt and nylon lock nut to join material?

  1. It fits using a screwdriver.
  2. The joint will withstand vibration.
  3. It creates a waterproof seal.
  4. The nut screws on quickly.

3. What is a spring washer used for?

  1. To tighten a bolt.
  2. To seal a rivet.
  3. To provide an earth.
  4. To absorb vibration.

4. A typical use of a coach screw is to:

  1. fix a metal plate to timber
  2. join two pieces of steel together
  3. fit inside a rivet
  4. be nailed into concrete.

5. What is the name of the component shown?

Photo of a fixing device with a metal thread and spring loaded winged nut

  1. Clout.
  2. Pop rivet.
  3. Nyloc nut.
  4. Wall anchor.

6. What is the benefit of using galvanised bolts or nails?

  1. They resist rust.
  2. They don' t conduct electricity.
  3. They bend less.
  4. They are cheaper.

7. What tool is used to fit pop rivets?

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Electric drill
  3. Hammer
  4. Gun

8. The equipment shown in the image is used in what type of welding process?

Photo of welding equipment that uses a red gas bottle and a black gas bottle

  1. Arc welding
  2. MIG welding
  3. Oxyacetylene welding
  4. TIG welding


When you have finished:

  • show your answers to your trainer
  • close this window and choose a new activity from the menu.