Dangerous goods


For the seven questions:

  • choose the correct answer
  • write down your answer.

1. Cleaning detergents are used daily in life and are not considered hazardous substances.

  1. True
  2. False

2. Which of the following is classified as dangerous due to its corrosive nature?

  1. Petrol
  2. Battery electrolyte
  3. LP gas
  4. Butane

3. What do the letters MSDS stand for?

  1. Magnetic Serial Data Supply
  2. Major Safety Data Supply
  3. Material Safety Data Sheet
  4. Main Safety Data Supply

4. An MSDS is provided by:

  1. the supplier of a product
  2. WorkCover
  3. the OHS Act
  4. the nominated OHS officer.

5. What does the first number in the haz-chem number represent?

Picture of a hazchem label showing the number 2WE

  1. The evacuation type.
  2. The gas given off by the substance.
  3. The level of volatility (how flammable it is).
  4. The suitable fire fighting agent.

6. What does the letter E in the haz-chem number represent?

Picture of a hazchem label showing the number 2WE

  1. Contact emergency services.
  2. Evacuation of people should be considered.
  3. Entry to building by emergency services only.
  4. Elevated platform.

7. An MSDS contains information including the appropriate PPE to use.

  1. True.
  2. False.

When you have finished:

  • show your answers to your trainer
  • close this window and choose a new activity from the menu.