Distributed Leadership


Welcome to this website on  distributed leadership in the Australian higher education sector.

This site is intended for those who wish to research distributed leadership or use it in their practice. 


The first part of this site addresses the research and communtiy that has formed around the development of this work on distributed leadership. It details the people, institutions, projects and reports that are related to this work  and distributed leadership more generally. It also describes the nature of distributed leadership leading to a better understanding of it.

The second part of the site has been designed to take you through the process of using distributed leadership in your insitution, including  why it can be useful in introducing change in your institution. It outlines processes to enable distributed leadership to be introduced and then goes onto describe ways of practising distributed leadership with examples from across Australia. The site presents techniques to evaluate your implementation of distributed leadership  and includes examples of the use of these techniques. A further section suggests ways of reflecting on the ouctomes of the evaluation of distributed leadership, so that it can be sustained over an extended period of time.

The site has been developed as a result of projects funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council  and the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.