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Effective leaders and EQ: putting it all together

“Effective leaders look beyond themselves, at others; they control their reactions and skilfully manage their relationships. Under their leadership, other employees work effectively with colleagues and have strong relationships with customers and stakeholders.” David Watson

Social skills and relationship management are crucial for those in leadership roles. It is vital to continue to develop and use your awareness of your own emotions together with your understanding of the emotions of others to manage interactions – including business interactions – successfully.

Needless to say, these skills, qualities and networks are developed over time.

Learning Portfolio

Complete exercise 15 in your Learning Portfolio.


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Networks are important to your professional life – think about joining and participating in some of the following:

RMIT Alumni

RMIT Entrepreneurs’ Coffee Club

RMIT Business Skills Workshops

Professional organisations and associations – depending on your discipline area:

Go to via the RMIT library, create a login and search for "What is Emotional Intelligence?" There are activities for you to print off if you want more on EQ. If you do watch all of the videos, you should be very familiar with most of what Britt Andreatta says and you should feel confident that you understand what EQ means to you and to your career.